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Blogging from the seat of a plane.

So yet another blog from the seat of a plane.  After a week of seeing the sights of Slovenia, I am now headed back home to reconnect with exams and the much needed writing of papers.  Dr. McAdams and Dr. Foster were the keynote speakers of a family conference hosted by the University of Ljubljana and they extended opportunities for students in the counseling program, to present at the conference and learn how counseling is taught in Slovenia.  Doctoral and master's students alike were invited and we were all treated like guests of honor.  Though there was some work to do, there was plenty of time to see the beautiful city of Ljubljana and take in some of the sights of the country side.  Some students even went to some of the bordering countries of Italy, Croatia and Budapest.  All in all, it was a wonderful balance of having structured activities where we could interact with the students and faculty of Ljubljana, while still having enough freedom to do our own thing.  Just another amazing opportunity presented to us by being a part of this wonderful program.